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Warm frame

Lower heating costs thanks to improved glass insulation.

Spacer frames seal the edges of insulating glass units and separate the panes. They are most often made of aluminium, whose high thermal conductivity makes heat escaping through the window and heating bills rising. The solution to the problem are warm frames made of plastic.

What happens when a warm frame is not installed?

Low outside temperature and high inside temperature makes the heat escaping through the distance frame, thus making the inner edge of a window colder than its other parts. Heat loss means that more energy is needed to maintain a pleasant room temperature. Under certain conditions, especially at lower temperatures, moisture - which you breathe out - is produced during cooking and everyday activities and condensed on the coldest surface, which is usually the inner edge of a window.

Over time, condensation on window edges results in optimal conditions for growth of mould and bacteria. Mould spores enter the air, which can affect health of the occupants.

Warm frame
warm frame

Advantages of warm frames

SWISSPACER warm distance frames are made of an insulating plastic composite, which is a barrier to heat loss. Distance frames reduce amount of heat that escapes through the double glazing unit. They make the edge of the glass remain warm, hence its name "warm frame". As a result, less heat escapes through the windows and heating costs are reduced.

Warm distance frames help increase energy efficiency of windows, but they also have other important functions. They separate the panes and, with a help of sealant and dehumidifier, create a gas-tight barrier that prevents moisture from entering and escaping from the inside of glass.

Long-term performance of a glass unit depends on quantity and thickness of sealant layer and dehumidifying agents as well as the quality of manufacture.

SWISSPACER frame gas-tight barrier protects completely against gas escaping from the inside and moisture getting inside the insulating glass through the spacer; it ensures long-term performance and helps save more and more energy every year.